As Jack was waking up from his emergency cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal), I got a call from his sister Mardell...with bad news. Jack's younger brother, Robin had been found dead at his home in California. He was 51. I hated having to tell him that. As more details emerged, we learned he had been murdered! (details here) Stabbed seventeen times! It was horrible. Two weeks after Jack's surgery we flew out to California for the Memorial Service. I think Jack needed to be with his family at that time. It was a nice service and a good family gathering but we were exhausted. We flew out and back in less than forty-eight hours. Not something I want to do again! Talk about jet lag...

Novemeber rolled right into December...and Christmas...and color coordinated casts for Katie and Jackson!

That catches us right up to the present...awaiting the New Year. I am sure there are all kinds of things I've missed and lots of topics I could explore, but for now this will have to suffice. Until next time...